Hi, I'm Kelsey! I'm a twenty-something year old living and working in THE best city - Chicago. I have always pondered the idea of starting a blog, but never knew what type of content I wanted to share. One day I realized that there is one thing constantly on my mind, and that is FOOD.
I grew up with foodie parents. My dad was (and still is for my lucky mom) the chef of the household, cooking a healthy dinner every night. We always have way too much food when we host family events and holidays, and everyone came to expect that from us. When we weren't cooking at home, we were finding new restaurants to try for dinner. Most of my favorite memories involve food and that's actually how my family and I remember many major life events.
I became Vegetarian when I was a senior in high school and never looked back. People ask me, "So, what do you eat, just salad?" My answer is always the same: I eat everything, but without the meat. Really. Give me anything covered in cheese and I'm sold. I didn't really choose to be Vegetarian for ethical reasons or to protest the way animals are mistreated, but more because I just don't like meat. I don't like the idea of eating an animal and I think it's completely unnecessary.
I've always wanted to start a blog, but never had the courage to put myself out there or knew how to make my life more exciting than it really is so that people would actually be interested in what I'm posting. I love being creative, cooking, exploring the city, dressing up in cute outfits and going out to new bars, restaurants and food, wine and beer events. But sometimes I like to throw my hair up in a bun, put on my sweatpants, have a bottle of red wine and a bag of goldfish for dinner. Life is all about balance, right?
I love exploring Chicago and finding new restaurants and bars. I am one of those annoying girls who will take sixty pictures of my food before eating it, but that's only so that I can share it with you! I hope you will follow me around the city and discover new places to try yourself.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy!